Posts · October 2, 2016 0

I hate my life

This past week Spotify rolled out the Daily Mix. So in addition to the Discover Weekly (which I like very much), Spotify are now serving up a daily mix of songs based on your listening habits.

Tapping into your own history of albums and tracks that you have listened to on the platform, Daily Mix brings together a selection of these alongside a few new things to create long, “bottomless” playlists of music to keep you listening. – TechCrunch

Well on Thursday, I was in the middle of blasting my hamstrings on the leg curl machine and this tune by the Theory of a Deadman came on:

Hate My Life

The song tickled me so much, I had to stop lifting. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really hate my life, but I could totally empathise with Tyler Connolly.

I mean just check out these lyrics:

So sick of the hobos always begging for change
I don’t like how I gotta work and
They just sit around and get paid

Homelessness ain’t no joke. But there are few characters out there (I know some of them) who are totally gaming the system and making out like out like fat rats.

I hate all of the people who can’t drive their cars.
Bitch you better get outta the way
Before I start falling apart

Heck just this past week I nearly got run, bumped, scraped at least least 5 times while driving into Leamington Spa. It was like something was in the air giving people the case of the dumb driving shakes.

I hate how my wife is always up my ass
She always wants to buy brand new things
But I don’t have the cash.

I’ll plead the 5th on this verse, in case my wife reads this!

I hate my job, all of my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end.
Nothing turns out right
There’s no end in sight
I hate my life!

How come I never get laid nice guys always lose.
How could she have another headache
There’s always some kind of excuse
I still hate my job, my boss is a dick
“I don’t get paid nearly enough
To put up with all of your shit”

I hate my job, all of my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end.
Nothing turns out right
There’s no end in sight
I hate my life!

Ok, I don’t have a job. I left that path a long time ago. But, I left full time employment, well because, I hated my job!

I hate that I can’t tell when a girl’s underage,
You know, I tell her she’s a nice piece of ass,
Then her daddy punches me in the face

So if you’re pissed like me
Bitches, here’s what you gotta do
Put your middle fingers up in the air
Go on and say “Fuck you!”

I hate my job, all of my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end.
Nothing turns out right
There’s no end in sight
I hate my life!

So much at stake, can’t catch a break
I hate my life
No, it’s nothing new hear “it sucks to be you”
I fuckin hate my life

If you’re hating your job and and your life right now, go ahead and pop this puppy in your player and turn it up loud. It’s sure to make you chuckle and feel a little better.


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