March 2017
Morning sounds in my back garden.
The drone of a single bee hidden beside the shed. A wood pigeon calls. A rook answers. The sun slowly emerges in a bath of blue sky.
Diminishing Darkness
I became aware of the diminishing darkness unlocking the sky’s potential.
Listliss morning
A cold listless morning. Timmy is out back throwing a mouse in the air, playing catch by himself near our old green kayak.
One more wink
A lone car rumbles down the street the morning yawns you pretend to sleep not ready for the hustle just one more wink
A personal piece of hell
Blew out my brain like a flat tire this morning. That happens when I get a head full of ideas but can’t them out fast enough. The after math of which is a stress headache or at least I presumed to be a stress headache. At times like these, I’m...
Hooray for mom and pop shops, they add colour to local neighbourhoods
I like the diversity of sights and sounds in a big city. I don’t know how you feel about public transport, but I think taking a bus across the city is a fantastic way to survey the landscape. I took the #48 bus from Downend to Bristol City Centre, a distance...
Something new
I’m dog tired tonight. Weekends make you weak. The only thing keeping me awake right now are three pieces of spearmint gum and the promise of watching Walking Dead later tonight. I have some neat pictures from my Bristol trip over the weekend which I haven’t edited yet. Bristol left...
Do what you came here to do (and dream a little too)
Listen! If you’re not doing what you want to do in this life, it’s on you. We live in a time where you can just about make a living doing anything you set your mind to provided you have the heart, the stamina, and the patience to succeed. If you’re...
Before the lights go out
It was an evening of websites and Stranger Things. I’m burnt out on websites, both designing ‘em and surfing ‘em. I’m late the game with Stranger Things. A friend recommended I watch it ages ago and I’m just now getting around to doing so. The series reminds of the old...
I was wrong, they do like adventure
It’s funny how watching a 20 minute short film can totally shift your perspective on life. The Banff Mountain Film Festival was in town last night. So I decided to stopped by. Of course, me being me, I showed up without a ticket, thinking, “this is Leamington Spa, surely there...
A different kind of war
I felt like reading some Bukowski over lunch. I landed on the poem Mademoiselle from Armentieres. It’s a contrast between old wars and new wars. All boys like to romanticise war. There’s something in our DNA that makes us want to run around the neighbourhood playing army-man, cops and robbers,...
The Numbers
Life is staggering when you start playing with the numbers. “Consider this: You can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. As you read this, you are traveling at 220 km/sec across the galaxy. 90% of the cells in your...
Nested loops and misplaced priorities
Wanda woke me up at 5am. Nothing like a set of claws digging into your chin to get your Monday morning started. I stumble downstairs and get the coffee on. It’s meant to be my reading period, but my computer keeps calling me. This happens whenever I start building a...
Prowling the wilderness to hear the voices cry
Sunday evening. That time when you have to start making the mental transition from weekend to work night. I’m sat here listening to Bob Marley and the Wailers’ Catch A Fire album and burning incense. I’m in the mood for some Henry Miller, but I end of reading Smile, You’re...
An unexpected road trip
I like a good road trip, especially when I haven’t been more than 10 miles from my house in too many days. So when the boy sent me an IM at 9:30 last night asking me to come rescue his tortoise, I eagerly accepted the mission. Ok, the tortoise didn’t...
Pizza, Beer, Zombies and Vampires, a Typical Friday Evening
Pizza. Check. A couple of alcoholic bevvies. Check. A few of rounds of Call of Duty zombie mode. Check. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Check. It must be Friday night. I write that as if it Friday still means the same as it did when I worked the corporate salt mines....
Chew the bottom of my shoe or blogging like it’s 1999
Is it retro to go back to personal blogging like it was back in the days of LiveJournal where I started with my very first blog, chew the bottom of my shoe Talk about about #ThrowBackThursday, I made my first entry on that blog on Sunday, 10 December 2006 at...