May 2017
Nightmare hooligan
I wasted many years chasing windmills and waterfalls. Now I finally act my age, and my friends feel uncomfortable when I’m serious. So I play the clown, the eternal court jester, the fool. I’m a nightmare hooligan with a bloody nose seeking the Book of Knowledge and the Truth, if...
another season
As a child I never saw a vision of what I wanted to be, or if I did it was a fleeting glimpse. The poets told me what I could be, my teachers told me what I should be, now I only know what I don’t want to be. I...
It was never a question of black and white
My upper body (chest and triceps) are aching. I finally made it back to gym on Thursday after a few weeks of no weights. I’m back in the iron game. Yesterday I was back at WH. Very productive day as ploughed through all of last year’s training, which gave me...
when ships were made of wood, men were made of steel
Spent half the day working on The Academy project. Steve is in Barcelona attending the Atlassian Summit. I crafted some of his documenting into a podcast and created a landing page for the Teamify project to capture interested party’s details. I had an earlier marketing meeting with Louise The second...
Luxuries and Vices
Bank Holiday Monday. And I have very much been in day off mode. I didn’t even bothered to get out of my sweats today. I continued my way through Working and Thinking on the Waterfront. Tease the people with “luxuries and vices” said Paul Henri Spaak. He was talking about...
Train Wreck
She’s a train wreck in a black mini dress. I stood on the tracks, watched her approach. There was nothing I could do to stop her.
This to me is a full life
Yesterday was a perfect Sunday for reading. We were going to go down to Bristol for the day, but R’s dad is sick and bedridden and her mom thought it best if we didn’t come down. Plan B was to go see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie that...