Journal · September 11, 2024 0

true strength lies within

As I look at this card, I’m reminded of the importance of returning to my inner strength. It’s not about shutting out the external world, but about not spending my energy seeking other people’s opinions, thoughts, or ways of doing things. For me, this card is a reminder that true strength lies within. It calls me to spend time with myself, with spirit, and to focus on my own journey instead of getting distracted by how others are living, thinking, or progressing. By focussing on my path, I can naturally become a light and inspiration to others. This is what stands out to me as I reflect on this card.

Here’s the question: Am I fully trusting my own path, or am I still seeking validation from external sources? As I reflect on this, I realise how often I find myself scrolling through Instagram and social media. It’s so easy to get caught up in what others in this space are doing. You may have your own thoughts, but when you flood your mind with everyone else’s opinions, it clouds your thinking. Clarity diminishes, and a fog starts to build.

It’s valuable to engage with others’ ideas—dialogue helps us grow, learn, and integrate what resonates. But the problem comes when that process starts to erode your confidence in your own insights. The waters get murky, and you begin to lose track of what’s yours versus what belongs to others.

I love exploring ideas, and this is both a blessing and a curse. My seeker nature drives me to chase different perspectives, but I need to stay grounded in myself. I should explore, observe, and then return to reflect—deciding what to assimilate or integrate before moving on. Doubting yourself undermines clarity, leading to uncertainty and seeking for the wrong reasons.

The internet, with its endless stream of information, can be both a gift and a curse. For someone hungry for knowledge, it’s easy to wander into rabbit holes that don’t necessarily lead to self-discovery or growth. And end up lost. I’m reminded of the Hero’s Journey, where Joseph Campbell speaks of the importance of the return stage. The Hero searches for the elixir, faces trials, and wins the prize, but the journey isn’t complete until the Hero returns to share it with the community and resume life in the ordinary world. There’s always the temptation to stay in the magic of the adventure, but the Hero must return to complete the cycle.

I often find myself lost in the rabbit hole of social media. The discipline I need is to seek, return, assimilate, integrate, rest, and then venture back for more. The Hermit card reminds me of this cycle: to seek and explore but always return to a space of reflection before diving back into the search. This is what I need to strengthen my practice.

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