Blog · July 13, 2022 0

Getting back in the saddle

Dave Winer shared a tweet yesterday that got me thinking about why I should dust off the soulcruzer blog and start writing here again. The tweet is a link to Adam Singer’s substack newsletter.

Blogging in its true form is a great place to work out your thinking, by thinking out loud. For me, it’s a discipline that I blow hot and cold on. My cop-out excuse, of course, is time. Of all the other projects I working on – microlearning videos, a new personal development newsletter, audio blogging, plus the black hole that is social media – where will I find the time to blog consistently?

I’m going to have to figure out a way to get it into my workflow. With all of the tools I have at my disposal, this shouldn’t be hard. It’s a discipline and habit thing for sure, and if it’s truly important to me, I’ll find the time to do it.

I’ve started releasing a new micro-learning video short three times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri). I’m trying to be more purposeful in my social media posting. I want to add some kind of value to people’s feeds.

In today’s short, I talk about an old favorite of mine – getting permission to act:

I’ve been spreading these shorts across the Internet riding the video short trend that TikTok spawned. I’ve been posting on TikTok, Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts, and Linkedin. It’s funny how varied the engagement is on the same video posted natively to different platforms. Linkedin appears to be the most consistent with views and ‘likes’ followed by Instagram Reels, Tiktok, and pulling up the rear with dismal performance is Youtube Shorts. The range looks like this: The highest viewed video goes to LinkedIn 2,764 and the lowest goes to Youtube at 0.

Tomorrow, I’m planning to officially launch my new personal development newsletter. I’m taking a different approach to this one. Instead of writing, I’m creating either a micro-lesson or a reflection exercise that will cover one of the 5-pillars of personal development (mental development, social development, spiritual development, emotional development, and physical development). People can sign up for it here. I’ll be posting a new micro-lesson every Tuesday and Thursday.

Another thing I’ve been doing on Twitter is posting a Today’s 5 Tracks post. I might as well include those here too:

Today’s 5 Tracks

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