This is what we’re up against fellow blogging revolutionaries: This has to stop! We have to resort to guerrilla tactics and use the big boy’s strength against them! Bloggers unite. What if you looked inside…
Browsing CategoryBlog
I’m trying to be all Zen, but it’s not working
“If you’re not talking large numbers, what’s the point.” – paraphrasing Jay-z I think I may have made the damn near perfect cup of coffee this morning. Morning thoughts | #coffeetime #bw #photo A post…
Do I dare disturb the universe?
[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission. And for my sins, they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service.;[/perfectpullquote] If you’re into your…
Some would call that being jaded
My day happened in fragments. I woke up with this question on my mind: What dream am I chasing now? One of the problems I’ve had over the past couple of years is trying to…
Our choices are half chance
I looked on my Goodreads app. I have 54 books in currently-reading status! My reading goal this year is 100 books. I’m on 19. I read according to mood or what I want to explore…
Movement on my mind
The more you move the better you feel. One of my intentions this year was to move more. I started off well, as you tend to do, but as T.S. Eliot wrote: Between the idea…
Are you feeling ok?
I can’t believe how excited I get about a book. I found a package on the stairs that had this in it: I could feel my face light up like a little school boy with…
Completely changed my worldview
Books are a habit worse than heroine for me. I can’t get enough of them. I read the preface of the Allen Ginsberg Journals this morning. I have yet to finish the Olson book, but…
I am doomed
I’ve been reading a lot of poetry over the past few months…Rimbaud, Robbins, Kaur, Broder, Addonizio, Bonta, Olson, Hanes, among others… what I am beginning to realise but have probably always known is that I…
I had to find her the old fashioned way
5A.M Thoughts – We are all afraid to act like ourselves. I read that from a passage in Allen Ginsberg’s journal. That is so true. Walk into a room full of people and if you’re…
With no snooze button
I’ve got that internal volcano feeling again that feeling where all the ideas in my head come bubbling to the surface all at once. Now add to that the relentlessness of time… Time past, time…
Addicted to the infinite scroll
0:514 quickly turned into 08:45. Time does fly when you’re self-absorbed…in reading and thinking, that is. A couple of hungry cats reminded me I was still among the living and that had duties to perform…
Too much geekery going on here
Feet touched the ground at 05:47. I know you’re not supposed to but I got sucked into social media first thing this morning. Linkedin specifically. Gary Vaynerchuk had a post up, 5 Best Tips for…
excuse the mess
while i get the theme sorted out…
Every day without hope
Inspired by Jason_Cobb of Onionbagblog I decided it was high time to get back into the blogging game and come back strong with running day diary style posts. I fired up the Day One app….
Nothing else counts
Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath at home
Some things change; some things stay the same
I’ve decided to blow up my blog theme again and try something new. Actually I’ve had this theme for a while, just never used it. I’m undecided as to whether to do full blog post…
Live Your Life High – a 90s Hip Hop Mixtape
another season
As a child I never saw a vision of what I wanted to be, or if I did it was a fleeting glimpse. The poets told me what I could be, my teachers told me…
It was never a question of black and white
My upper body (chest and triceps) are aching. I finally made it back to gym on Thursday after a few weeks of no weights. I’m back in the iron game. Yesterday I was back at…