Blog · September 7, 2017 0

Every day without hope

Inspired by Jason_Cobb of Onionbagblog I decided it was high time to get back into the blogging game and come back strong with running day diary style posts.

I fired up the Day One app. It’s perfect for this sort of thing. And hey, when I’m dead and buried, they can use this here soulcruzer blog as a testament to my time on the planet.

Once upon a time, I thought I would’ve contributed something a little more significant. I think my dreams of being a literary giant are dead. I’ll be happy just to pass as a minor minor poet.

Every day without hope; every day without despair.


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No corporate stuff today. Well a little bit. I had a call with the Clearvision guys and Clarity4D. Then it was off to hang out with Sarah and record the next episode of the Havana Cafe Sessions Podcast. We philosophised about Nature and the Great Outdoors.

Wrote two poems. Nothing and Full of Feathers.

Channelling Jim Morrison today. | #bw #coffeetime #photo

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I felt the spirit of Jim Morrison. Dipped into his collection of original poetry, The Lords. Two quotes of his got me fired up:

“If my poetry aims to achieve anything, It’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel.”


“Listen, real poetry doesn’t say anything; It just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you.”

And that’s the game for me in terms of my own poetry.

I also read some of Tom Clark’s biography of Charles Olson: The Allegory of a Poet’s Life. Also worked my way through a couple more of Olson’s poems from the Selected Poems of Charles Olson compiled by his lifelong friend Robert Creeley.

You know what? This feels good. Let’s hope it’s sustainable.

They came to talk

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Topped off the evening watching Zoo on Netflix.  The series started strong, but now it’s starting to drag and the mediocre acting and bad dialogue is getting in the way.


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