i thought you should know

I’m your lover when I’m not
Busy hating you for making me feel
Small like the fly you flicked the other
Day because it landed near your plate

I’m a man when I’m not being
Castrated by your bored look as
You turn on the light to go wash me
Off of you like you did after you petted
That stray dog the other day

I’m forgiving when I’m not being vengeful
Thinking about the best way to hurt you
Like I did the other day when I told
You how your clothes don’t fit any more
And wearing black doesn’t make you look thin

I’m happy when I’m not being sad
Watching you walk out the house like
You did the other day to go be a whore
As if I didn’t know his name is Richard
It says so on the card you dropped on the floor

I’m kind when I’m not being cruel
Like when I fingered your sister in the
Bathroom the other day while you were
Downstairs talking to her boyfriend and
Cooking dinner for the four of us to enjoy

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17 years ago

I feel u and i can se it all, the emotio that is

17 years ago

holy smokes this one got my attention. So harsh. So raw.
Hope this is not a reflection of you day.

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