In a box
Constrain the four corners
Of who I am
What they can’t understand
Is I don’t fit
In a box
But that doesn’t stop
Other people trying
Every which way the can
To stuff me
In a box
I’d rather ride the waves
Of infinite possibilities
Exploring more realities
Than live
In a box
If I think as small
As they want me to think
I’ll be small enough
To fit
In a box
But that’s not for me
I guess some people
Are happy to live
In a
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Everyone wants to slot us, label us. We too are at times guilty of that.
Some live out of it and a few do not conform. Maybe that is too like putting in a box!
Who knows?
Hi Gautami,
My sometimes cries out for me to be who I want to be, and sometimes it seems the more I try to be who I am, the harder people try to put me back in the box! Sometimes I wonder is it worth the fight to stay out of the box. It certainly would be a whole lot easier to stay in the box.
nicely done clay.
i hear you.
Come by the blog and pick up your piece of eight or you shall find yourself wlaking the plank.
I’m feelin’ it.
People do often try to subject us to their image of what they feel we should be. I danced it high school, and people thought I was a dancer. I’m like, “No, I just did it because you all liked it, and I needed the dance grade anyway.� I am a writer at heart, and people looked at me like I was crazy when I told them this, though they loved my poetry.
This poem hits home, and I’ll be sure to visit back more often. Thanks for helping me build with you, homie. LOL.
– Trew Life