The algorithms have been good for a long time were good at herding us into different pens, and for the purposes of getting me to spend money, I’m fine with this. However, these days it’s a…
Posts Taggedblogging
revamping, walking, and indieweb dreams
Episode Overview It’s Monday afternoon as I record this, just before stepping out for a brisk walk to clear my head after a full day at the desk. In this episode, I reflect on the…
In reply to blogging about blogging about blogging …
Blogs are, from the reader perspective, a window into the personality of the blogger. The window can have varying levels of opacity and the light coming through can be polarised. The best blogs are a…
blogging about blogging about blogging
this is my alchemical language lab/experimental blogging playground after all… I approached this from a different angle yesterday, but I think this is closer to what I’m aiming for in 2025. I may also make…
fragmented paths
Somewhere between the scaffolding of story and the poetry of thought lies a landscape I’m yearning to explore. It’s a place where the personal and the theoretical intertwine, where the raw texture of life rubs…
If you want to express yourself authentically, start blogging
In this episode, I unpack my thoughts about blogging for self-expression and self-discovery, digging into my journey to reclaim creativity in the chaotic noise of social media. I also share some raw insights about working…
are you a “punk,” indie, blogger, podcaster, or creative? this one is for you…
In this episode Are you a free spirit, tech rebel, or modern-day savage who refuses to fit the mould? I’m leading a guerrilla movement to bring back the rawness of early blogging, before the algorithms…
the mothership connection
I’m firing up my trusty MarsEdit spaceship to blast out this blog post at warp speed! Gotta make sure all systems are go before taking this bad boy out for spin across the blogosphere. If…
everybody knows
I can’t say that I’m a Lorde fan—not that there’s anything wrong with her music; it’s just not my usual thing. But I came across her blog, which she runs on Tumblr (I think people…
Enough is enough, niching is not in my job description!
How do I master the art of living? I’ve been in pursuit of that answer for most of my adult life. Every time I think I have all of the answers, they change the questions….
Re-inventing myself
“Like the legend of the phoenix, all ends with beginnings” – Daft Punk This is my first entry on the new soulcruzer site. I am not new to blogging. I’ve been in the game since…
#BlogPals19 – 30 Days of Blogging
There it is. 30 days of blogging, old school style! via GIPHY What’s old school style? Well, it’s when you turn up to the keyboard, stare at a blank screen and think, what am I…
Your ‘why’ dictates the format
Blogging for 28 days straight has been a little tough. There have been days that if I was not doing this challenge, I would not have created a post. I would have let myself get…
Life in juxtaposition
What’s been good about this 30-day challenge is that it has forced me to be still for a few minutes and contribute to my own blog, which is in effect, contributing to my story. What…
Closing in on the half-way point
Day 14 of #BlogPals19 blogging challenge. So far so good, no real struggles to get something posted each day.
Blogging is cool
Blogging is cool, isn’t it? I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts each day, and getting a glimpse into your inner worlds and getting to see the world through your eyes. I’ve traveled to different parts…
Why stand on a silent platform
1 Why stand on a silent platform? Zach de la Rocha yells out on Township Rebellion. And I agree. This is the greatest time in history to get your voice heard around the world in…
a little taste of adventure close to home
I felt compelled to stay up late watching 80s videos. So many teenage memories flooded through my half-baked brain. Not such a great idea when you’re on the backside of 50 wondering where all the…
The real reason I’m a blogger
I played PUBG with Jeremy last night. It’s been 142 days since I last played. 1) where does the time go? 2) Shows you how much of a gamer I am!???? I like games, but…
What goes on must go on
1 I’ve been in a kind of holding pattern over the last several days as I process all the words I’ve been reading about content curation and blogging and the state of blogging in general….