The Blog

The only function of philosophy is to teach us to take life more lightly...




the muses i belong

The days blur together, as if time is just a suggestion, bending and weaving with each passing thought. I can’t tell whether the dreams are spilling into the waking world or if the world is simply dreaming me. This morning, I woke with fragments of a lucid dream still clinging to my mind, as though they’d never fully left. Kate was there, and so was someone else—maybe Devon, maybe not—but it felt more like the muses had come to play again, and I was one of them. We watched ourselves, three muses in the half-light of a hotel room, playing

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in-between spaces

I sit at my desk, the hum of the world still catching its breath from the night’s slumber. The sunlight is hesitant, as if it knows it should rise but isn’t quite ready to commit. This feels like the perfect time for some morning pages—a stream of consciousness that lets my thoughts spill out like water finding its course through rocks and earth. I reach for my notebook, and as the pen touches the page, something curious happens. The words I write don’t seem entirely my own. Instead of the usual jumble of musings about my day or plans, the

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a morning full of synchronicities

It’s been a morning full of synchronicities for me starting with a not so pleasant memory, one that is a reoccurring memory that holds no real value for me and isn’t worth reliving again and again. Breaking state, I drew a card from the Osho Zen Tarot deck and lo and behold it was the ‘clinging to the past’ card, which has a clear message to let go of the past and fully embrace the future. The figure pictured in this card is so preoccupied with clutching her box of memories that she has turned her back on the sparkling

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moments 22.09.2024

1) I remembered how grateful I feel when I reflect on the week and follow the larger arc of my journey. It’s easy to let days blend into weeks and weeks blend into months and months blend into years and miss the passage of time, witnessing life as one big blur. 2) Happy to be back in the creative space of my own website. 3) Noticing the change in season, summer giving way to autumn, the shorter days and longer nights, the bees making a push to gather the last of the nectar before the weather completely changes. 4) A

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I’ve been going through some of my old poems and converting to flash fiction. Here is the original poem: We had faith in the soothsayer’s poison.We knew how to sacrifice our sons and daughtersto secure the future of our race. We chant broken prayersthrough the night, only madmen dream. I kneel and hope to find you in the ruins and decay.My memories of you fade–how you smothered mewith your shame, lulled me to sleep with your ambition. You were my friend, my purple-haired, monstrous wild child,a lonely girl with a sad tale, impossible eyes, and hard to ignore.We were orphans,

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seeing the world through the lens of myth and symbolic storytelling

I’ve been dipping in and out of Stephen Larsen’s book, The Mythic Imagination: The Quest for Meaning Through Personal Mythology for a while now. It’s become an ongoing companion that keeps nudging me to explore how I exercise my own mythic imagination. I find myself tapping into this deeper way of seeing whenever I’m walking in the woods or doing one of my shamanic journeys. There’s something about being in those spaces, surrounded by nature or in the stillness of inner exploration, where myth and symbol come alive for me. It’s as if they rise up from the earth or

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metamodernism may offer a way forward for me

Metamodernism seems like an interesting space to play in. I came across the term a while back when I was exploring postmodernism, and I asked the question what comes after postmodernism. I didn’t go any further than asking the question. But now metamodernism has resurfaced and has my attention. What it is: Metamodernism is an intriguing concept that seeks to describe the cultural landscape we’re living in—a world that’s not quite postmodern but something beyond it. It’s a reaction to the jaded scepticism and irony of postmodernism, while also recognising that modernist idealism, with its rigid structures and belief in

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Hi I’m Clay Lowe. I’m a Digital Alchemist and Future of Learning Strategist with an insatiable appetite for information and knowledge (hence the “Infovore” moniker). I’m passionate about using AI and other emerging technologies to create more engaging, effective, and personalised learning experiences.


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