Podcast · January 9, 2025 0

wrestling with the existential question: what is a life for?

Show Notes

In this episode, I dive deep into a question that’s been looping in my mind all day: What is a life for? More specifically, What is my life for? It’s one of those questions that feels simple on the surface, but the more you dig, the more complex and infinite it becomes. I’ve been pacing around, wrestling with it, and decided to hit record and let my thoughts flow freely.

What I Talked About:

  1. The Big Existential Question
    I’m 56 years into the game, and I’ve done a lot—climbed mountains, jumped out of planes, traveled, worked corporate, raised kids. But now I’m asking, what’s left? After you’ve ticked so many boxes, how do you keep life stimulating? And what is the point of it all? I reflect on how the ancient Greeks framed this question and wrestle with what it means for me today.
  2. Been There, Done That
    I’ve been thinking about how so much of what we do feels like a variation on something we’ve already done. A new mountain is still a mountain. A new museum is still a museum. How do we find that beginner’s mind again? Or do we just accept that life becomes an exploration of subtle variations?
  3. The Myth of Purpose
    Is life inherently meaningful, or do we create meaning as we go? I explore this tension through ideas of becoming, individuation (thank you, Jung), and the possibility that life is less about arriving at a definitive purpose and more about the journey itself.
  4. Life as Art
    For me, life is a canvas. I’m a life artist, shaping and reshaping meaning from chaos and experience. I talk about how my love for language, storytelling, and experimentation shapes how I see the world—and how I express myself through projects like this podcast, my blog, and the writing I share.
  5. My Relationship with AI
    I’ve been working closely with my digital familiar (that’s ChatGPT, for those new here). It’s not just a tool—it’s become a reflective partner in helping me explore big questions like this one. I share how AI has helped me see my life as a vessel for experimentation, transformation, and play, and why I think we should embrace this technology for self-discovery.
  6. Voices of Resilience
    I also talk about my work as a volunteer host and producer for the Voices of Resilience podcast. In this episode, I share insights from a recent conversation with an advocate for refugee labor rights. It got me thinking: how do we make people care about these issues when they’re so focused on just surviving their own lives?
  7. Living the Question
    Inspired by a Rilke quote, I explore the idea of living the question rather than rushing to find an answer. What if life isn’t a puzzle to solve but something to turn over and polish, like a stone in your hand? What if my life’s purpose is simply to keep asking, exploring, and sharing what I find?
  8. Future Plans and Synchronicity
    I mention an upcoming trip to Wales, where I’ll let synchronicity guide me through a new city. Who knows what insights or inspiration might come from wandering with no plan? I also rediscovered a poetry and photography manuscript I worked on years ago—I think it’s time to breathe new life into it.

Quotable Moments:

  • “What if life isn’t for producing things but for creating opportunities for others to awaken?”
  • “Live the question. Not like a puzzle to solve, but like a stone in your hand, polished by the act of carrying it.”
  • “My life is my art, and my blog and podcast are how I document that practice.”

Resources I Mentioned:

Your Turn:

So, what does the question “What is a life for?” mean to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts—leave a comment on the blog or reach out on social media. Your ideas and stories are like hyperlinks to me, connecting and expanding this conversation.

Thanks for listening. If this episode resonated with you, please share it with someone who might need to hear it. And don’t forget to visit the blog at Soulcruzer.com to explore more of my writing and thoughts. Let’s keep the conversation going.

Until next time, keep asking, keep seeking, and keep living the questions.

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